19 Oct 2022



Metro Radio

Sing Pao

Swire Properties welcomes various measures announced in Policy Address

Swire Properties said it welcomes the multiple measures unveiled in Chief Executive John Lee's Policy Address, including the Top Talent Pass Scheme and other measures to replenish the local workforce and boost the city's competitiveness, as well as its multi-pronged approach to building land reserves and addressing Hong Kong's housing situation.

"The Chief Executive has introduced an array of new policies and concrete proposals to address the key challenges facing Hong Kong," Tim Blackburn, Chief Executive of Swire Properties said. "As we celebrate 50 years in Hong Kong, Swire Properties will continue to contribute to the development of our home city through our unique and long-term approach to placemaking."

The Company is pleased with the proposal to streamline statutory and administrative procedures for land production, and to lower the threshold for compulsory sale applications, as both work towards facilitating urban renewal. It also believes the introduction of the Light Public Housing and a pilot scheme to encourage private developers' participation in subsidised housing public development can help address the need for quality public housing.

Furthermore, the Company said it believes the Government's comprehensive plan to develop the Northern Metropolis and accelerate the development of the San Tin Technopole will foster Hong Kong's integration into the national development plan and solidify its role as a key regional hub in the Greater Bay Area.