31 May 2022
Hong Kong Economic Times
EAST Hong Kong strikes balance between business and ESG
With growing consumer awareness towards environmental protection, balancing ESG and government policies has become a challenge for the hotel industry. Jennifer Cheung, General Manager, EAST Hong Kong, shared that social trends have changed significantly in the past decade and consumers are putting more focus on environmental conservation. As a leader in sustainable development (SD), Swire Properties, the parent company of Swire Hotels, has launched its SD 2030 Strategy to implement its SD vision across its business units.
Cheung said she is delighted to see the changes in SD and believes it takes collaboration among different parties such as government, corporates, staff members and customers to achieve. Internally, EAST Hong Kong incorporates sustainability elements in various aspects, such as educating colleagues on the benefits of SD, executing different strategies such as improving water and energy conservation and waste management, and providing more environmentally-friendly options for guests.
Cheung shared that during the recent renovation of the hotel's restaurant, floor-to-ceiling windows were installed to enhance natural lighting and create a sense of space while saving power. New technology was also introduced to improve automation, while preserving personable services. Looking ahead, Cheung pointed out that efforts to meet various targets, such as the Government's waste charging scheme, would require concerted efforts, and she hopes that the Government will provide more guidance so the industry can support.
Hong Kong Economic Times
31 May 2022