31 Jul 2022


South China Morning Post

Swire Properties to cut down carbon emission by 25% in new projects by 2030

Developers in Hong Kong have been looking for ways to lower the carbon footprint of their building materials. Elizabeth Kok, Director and Senior Advisor of Swire Properties, shared that the Company has established reduction targets for their Scope 3 emissions, which includes indirect emissions occurring in a company's value chains, to cut down the embodied carbon emissions for their new projects by 25% per sqm by 2030, compared to the 2016–2018 baseline. In addition, the Company has also included low-carbon procurement specifications for building materials used in new developments, including concrete, reinforcement bars and structural steel, in contracts with vendors.

Kok further shared that the Company has examined its entire supply chain to identify opportunities to reduce embodied carbon from the building materials it uses and the carbon emissions generated during the construction process.

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31 Jul 2022